1 Week Before Event
It’s a week before the 2015 SF Bay Area Entrepreneurship Conference and Trade Show and the stress levels in the room have never been higher. Since this was our first competition, everyone was in complete work mode. There were newsletters to be printed, business cards to be designed, and final logistics to be sorted out. Some people were deeply focused on putting the final touches on the booth layout while others hoped to refine the business plan one last time to perfection. In all of this commotion, Whitebox Graphics CEO, Rani Mavram said, “I was a little afraid that we wouldn’t be able to finish it all in time, but I’m honestly just really happy to see everyone come together in order to make it happen.” We knew that we wouldn’t be happy with anything less than perfection so we exhausted ourselves spending extra hours after class in order to make our vision for the company come true.
By March 14, the Friday before the trade show, Whitebox Graphics had completed everything and we were finally able to take a sigh of relief at the products of all our hard work. Joanne Her, an employee in the HR department, even said, “The past week was super stressful for all of us, but I think now we are all just super excited for the chance to show the rest of the companies what Whitebox Graphics can accomplish at the trade show.”